November 1, 2018ATTILA VAJDA AND ROSS SAMBRIDGE FROM MCM LONDON 2018Star Wars Autograph News sat down with Attila Vajda and Ross Sambridge at MCM London for their first ever interview discussing their work on Star Wars....
October 9, 2018STAR WARS AUTOGRAPH NEWS RETURNS TO THE UK FOR MCM LONDONStar Wars Autograph News will return to the UK later this month to attend MCM London Comic Con. The trip marks my first return to the country since 2012 when I attended Elstree Empire Day and Star Wars Fan Fun Day. MCM London has a great Star Wars line up of guests, including Paul Bettany, Michael Pennington, Garrick Hagon and...
October 3, 2018BOX BREAK: 2018 TOPPS STAR WARS GALACTIC FILES TRADING CARDSThe legacy of Topps Star Wars Galactic Files trading cards continues! Picking up where the rebirth of the series left off in 2017, this year has all the features you’ve come to expect, including over 40 autograph cards from some of the biggest signers from the GFFA. Many thanks to Topps for sending these boxes to Star Wars Autograph News...
December 29, 2016IT’S A FAKE: APPLYING THE STAGES OF GRIEF TO AUTOGRAPH COLLECTINGBy: Frank D. Rich, Lead Writer Visit any place on the internet where people talk about autographs and it won’t take you long to find the post. You know the one and its heartbreaking every time it happens. Someone has proudly shared a photo of one of their favorite autographs. Maybe it’s brand new, or they’ve had it for years, but...