Jon Berg as Ohwun De Maal and Phil Tippett as a Duro in A New Hope.
” The bald-headed, blue-green alien pair in the cantina that most closely resemble the old-school, stereotypical “alien look” are known as Duros. They weren’t always Duros, of course. On set they were simply called “Goggle-Eyes.” The Clone Wars would later bring Duros to the forefront with the crafty Cad Bane, but until then their only canonical appearance was in the Mos Eisley cantina. One of the Duros seen having a heated discussion when Luke scans the room from the bar is named Ohwun De Maal, and out of the two, he’s the one wearing the nifty silver spacesuit. The history of De Maal’s suit is an interesting one. Back at Star Wars Celebration VI in 2012, Pablo Hidalgo and Tom Spina revealed in their panel that the suit was actually a studio hand-me-down. You can see the sweet silver ensemble in Planet of the Apes, the Get Smart television show, and a Jerry Lewis movie.”