October 12, 2018HAYDEN CHRISTENSENHayden Christenesen as Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith Obtained in person at Star Wars Celebration Orlando...
October 12, 2018SAM WITWERSam Witwer as Maul in Star Wars Rebels Obtained in person at Star Wars Celebration Orlando...
October 12, 2018FREDDIE PRINZE JR.Freddie Prinze Jr. as Kanan Jarrus in Star Wars Rebels Obtained in person at Star Wars Celebration Orlando...
October 12, 2018RIZ AHMEDRiz Ahmed as Bodhi Rook in Rogue One Obtained in person at Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017...
October 12, 2018RIZ AHMEDRiz Ahmed as Bodhi Rook in Rogue One Obtained in person at Star Wars Celebration Orlando...
October 12, 2018FOREST WHITAKERForest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera in Rogue One Obtained in person at Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017...
April 9, 2015STAR WARS CELEBRATION AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING: THEN AND NOW(This piece was originally written as a lead-in to Celebration Anaheim in 2015. I will be updating it to include details of all future Celebrations.) There is nothing else like Star Wars Celebration. The official Lucasfilm Star Wars event is the destination for fans from around the world to converge for the latest reveals of upcoming LFL projects, panels from...