January 3, 2020MICHAEL CULVERMichael Culver, Captain Needa in The Empire Strikes Back. Gift from a very good friend....
November 19, 2019BOUNTY HUNTER MULTIAlan Harris: Elite Signatures Jeremy Bulloch: Elite Signatures Cathy Munroe: Obtained in person at Rhode Island Comic Con 2019 Bill Hargreaves: Obtained in person at Rhode Island Comic Con 2019 Chris Parsons: Obtained in person at Rhode Island Comic Con 2019...
July 23, 2019MARC THORPEMarc Thorpe, Model Maker, The Empire Strikes Back Obtained through-the-mail. Address from Star Tiger Sent: May 28, 2019 Received: June 15, 2019 Total Time: 18 days...
July 23, 2019ALAN HARRISAlan Harris, Bespin Guard and Carbonite Body, The Empire Strikes Back Obtained through-the-mail. Address from Star Tiger Sent: June 21, 2019 Received: July 8, 2019 Total Time: 17 days...
July 23, 2019ALAN HARRISAlan Harris, Boba Fett prototype armor, The Empire Strikes Back Obtained through-the-mail. Address from Star Tiger Sent: June 21, 2019 Received: July 8, 2019 Total Time: 17 days...
November 14, 2018ALAN TOMKINSAlan Tomkins, Art Direction The Empire Strikes Back Obtained through private signing...
November 14, 2018KATHRYN MULLENKathryn Mullen, puppeteer, The Empire Strikes Back Obtained through private signing...
November 14, 2018ALAN TOMKINSAlan Tomkins, Art Director, The Empire Strikes Back Obtained through private signing...